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Product Need
In the majority of SME’s (Small and Medium Enterprises) there is little or no structure present. One of the key areas of lack of structure is finances/ accounting. KHIPU helps automate mundane accounting tasks and allows the SME owner to focus on other more important areas, such as sales, marketing, etc. It helps manage information about accounts in a simplistic model. With the availability of cell phones and cell phone technology such as GPRS, and the convergence of internet and cell phone technology it enables users to be able to input data and access data “on the move” and manage their businesses more effectively and efficiently.

With current statistics on a 96% failure rate of small start-up business, the application in essence limits financial failure due to limited financial knowledge.
Current situation
Most SME systems can be classified into three categories when it comes to keeping records of the performance of their businesses viz:.

Manual Systems: These users just file all their documents and generally do not have up to date information with respect to the performance of the business on an on-going basis. They would typically collate the manual information on a monthly, quarterly or even annual basis to generate management and annual financial statements. These systems are cumbersome, inefficient, prone to error and often do not have back-ups. Data Integration is almost non-existent and no form of data correlation takes place.

Spread Sheets: The slightly more sophisticated user has access to a PC (personal computer) and collates all the information on a spreadsheet. Typically, information is also collated monthly or quarterly to generate management accounts. The more disciplined and sophisticated user can and sometimes does generate adequate information and is able to effectively manage the business. This does require lots of discipline and knowledge. These systems are also prone to error and do not verify the integrity of the data.

Accounting packages: The more sophisticated user usually has a PC, has had some training and runs one of the recognised accounting packages. These users have to input most of the data into the packages from the various accounting documents usually, bank statements, invoices, credit notes, etc. The packages are sophisticate enough to generate the management and annual financial statements automatically.

The above business management systems often do not help improve business workflow and business efficiency. Many of the methods used are extremely elaborate and cumbersome and almost always become a burden on the entrepreneur to maintain when it comes to running the business efficiently.
  • Simple product management
  • Easy, efficient Quoting/Invoicing/Purchase Ordering/Receipting
  • Financial integrity of Data
  • Job management and billing
  • Payslips
  • Reporting Tools
  • Recurrent Auto Invoicing
  • Cash Flow Projection
  • Auto Debit Orders (via reputable Debit Order Provider – NetCash)
  • Recurrent Auto Statement Sending
  • Mobile platform to allow usage via mobile phones
  • Employee Performance Monitoring Tools
  • Commission Calculation Tools
  • Business Analytical Tools
  • SMS functionality (sending statements etc via SMS)
  • Business Workflow improvements for Small Business
  • Online Plaform - no need to install software on our PC, no need to backup - this is all taken care of
  • No Need for updates or upgrades, because the system is online, any fix or update is reflected immediatly without you even noticing
  • Accessible via your Mobile - check client details, send invoices/quotes, log a job, send statements - all directly from your phone
  • Manage your employees using the basic built-in Payroll Module
  • Track what is outstanding to ensure you increase your turn around times
  • Give your accountant access to your financials if you need to
  • Easy to Use System fro entrepenuers, not like the usual accounting packages built for financial people